Bye bye [mon]day! ...haha! I'm sorry but I hate mondays! For today a love story. I hadn't read anything about Jane Eyre, she was a real unknown to me until I saw the version of 2011. The main reason was to see Michael and yes, he is simply perfect in this movie too.
------------------- Adios lunes adios!! Ay lo siento pero los odio y lo unico que quiero es que pase ya.... Para hoy una peli de amor clásico. Para variar, Michael borda el papel... simply perfect!
P.S. From now I'm going to add the year of the movie in the title of the post.
Diane-Kruger switches on the Christmas lights on the Champs Elysee avenue in Paris, last November 21st. I like her Lanvin dress and her hairstyle and I'd love to be in Paris now!! haha!! this last it's only a dream...
Alegría para el miércoles!!
Diane Kruger el pasado 21 de Noviembre en el encendido de luces Navideñas de Paris. Ooooooooooh que chulo sería estar allí.....
Today, a social movie with Robert Pattinson. My opinion about Robert changed when I saw two movies starred by him "Water for Elephants" and this. Yes, since then, I like him as an actor.
Vamos con el lunes!
Para hoy esta peli de corte social. El final, uff el final....